
Kenilworth Golf Club

Sunday 9th March 2025

Course Status

Kenilworth: Course open - Green, blue and red tees —- no restrictions - —— GREENS BEING TOP DRESSED AND SPIKED WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY —- Please walk and drive down the sides of fairways Updated: 5th Mar 2025

Kenilworth Front 9 Q:

Kenilworth Front 9 NQ:

Kenilworth Back 9 NQ:

Kenilworth Back 9 Q:

Par 3 Course: Course Open Updated: 8th Nov 2022

Par 3 Course:

Par 3 Course:

Par 3 Course:

Kenilworth Green Course :

Kenilworth Main Course:

Practice Area:

Ladies Green Course:

Swing Studio :



For gentlemen golfers at Kenilworth there are a variety of competitions and matches throughout the season to satisfy every taste.

The monthly medal competitions, usually held on the first Saturday of the month, attract a full field with the tee sheet beginning at 7 am and closing at 3 pm.  These are played in three divisions based on handicaps.

The competitions considered to be the Majors include the Founders Trophy (match play singles) and the Spring Alliance (match play pairs) taking place throughout the summer months.  There are three singles match play knockout tournaments for which members have to qualify via Saturday competitions during April and May - the Mitchell Goblet, the Garrard Cup and the De Montfort Trophy.   The sixth Major is the Phelps Bowl which is a 36 hole medal competition played over a weekend in August.

There are competitions for pairs played in foursomes and greensomes format.  Weekday medal competitions "Extra Medals" provide additional opportunities for medal play on a "turn up and play" basis and allow those who aren't available at weekends to compete in such competitions.

Three teams compete against other clubs in match play format.  The scratch team takes part in the Mid Warwickshire League which is a formally organised competition and in which Kenilworth usually performs well.  In addition there are opportunities to play in the A team and B team.  These teams play against other local clubs on a social basis - not in a formal league.  For those who wish to take part sign up sheets are placed on the noticeboard outside the gents' locker room.

The list of matches would not be complete without mention of the annual club matches against Minchinhampton in Gloucestershire and Llandrindod Wells in mid Wales.  The latter is played on a home and away basis each year with a very social weekend at Llandrindod being one of the highlights of the year for Kenilworth members.  The weekend includes a singles stableford competition - the Les Williams Trophy - for players from both clubs as well as the hard fought match between the clubs.  The photo above shows the two teams of players enjoying the sunshine after the match dinner in 2015.

As well as the men's competitions there are mixed competitions which take place throughout the year in singles or pairs formats.  The grudge match with the ladies for "The Bone of Contention" is a mid summer event and follows months of negotiation over how handicap adjustments between the ladies and gents should be set and precedes months of wrangling as to why they were wrong.


The ladies at the club are a friendly and thriving group for all ages.  The Ladies Match and Competitions Committee is responsible for the general management as well as the running of the competitions. Ladies are also represented on the main club Match and Competitions Committee, ensuring that their interests are not overlooked in the grand scheme of things!

The competitions diary has lots of opportunities to partake in a variety of formats.

 Each month there are two Medal rounds. A Saturday round is usually played in conjunction with the Men's Monthly Medal and tee times are bookable. Tuesday Medals have tee times running from 9am to 11.30am then 1.30pm to 2.45pm.  All are played in three divisions based on handicaps. 

In the Tuesday Medal, for those ladies new to golf, recovering from injury or no longer interested in playing 18 holes, we offer a 9 Hole competition at the back of the morning field.

On some weekdays we run Extra Medals, on a turn up and play basis, to provide a further opportunity to maintain your handicap.

On occasions there are 9 hole "˜qualifying' competitions especially for those who struggle to enter the main qualifying competitions in the diary.

We run Greensomes, Foursomes, Better Ball and Alliances competitions - some serious, others more fun!

There are also Major Competitions available throughout the season where trophies can be won.

These include the Club Championship of 36 holes played on two days over a weekend, the Phelps Bowl (Medal play) and the Florence Booth (Par/Bogey) which are both 36 hole competitions played over consecutive weeks and the Nellie Kaye (Stableford).

For those ladies who cannot play on the Tuesdays, the same competitions are available at the weekends.

There are two Knock - Out Match play competitions - the Mitchell Bowl and the Lapin Trophy and these are played throughout the season.

The ladies run a popular team program too.

We have three teams (based on Handicap Divisions) who play "˜friendly' matches. We also run a Scratch team, a Warwickshire Inter League team and a 9 Hole Evening League team. So hopefully plenty of opportunity to enjoy meeting opposition club members!

Further popular team events are the ones with the men!  Through the winter months we combine with the Senior Men for Texas Scrambles (and we find the men quite charming) However, come the summer we compete with them for the "˜Masher' trophy - a rolling pin - and it all changes!

Once a year we also compete with the general body of men for the Bone of Contention.  This is usually played in a friendly though competitive atmosphere, especially as the ladies negotiate a very good deal over extra shots and holes already won before the start!

Finally we run a smaller competition diary throughout the winter months again with a variety of formats.

So whatever format appeals to you, we are sure that we can meet your aspirations and expectations.


The Seniors at Kenilworth includes all members who are aged 55 or over.  There are a variety of organised events throughout the whole year in which seniors can take part.  The Seniors Notice Board is opposite the ladies locker room door and will provide information for forthcoming events and competitions.

Throughout the summer there are monthly medal or stableford competitions on the first or second Monday of the month.  These are qualifying competitions played from the medal tees enabling Seniors to maintain an active handicap. They lead up to the Seniors' Major "The Seniors Challenge Cup" in mid September. 

Through the summer months the singles match play knockout competition takes place - sign up is available late March and into April for those who wish to enter the competition.

A variety of additional events are added through the summer months with competitions such as 3 ball yellow ball alliances and pairs better ball.  Watch the notice board for information about upcoming competitions.

As well as the internal competitions the Seniors play matches against other local clubs. Usually these are played in teams of 12 in pairs 4BBB match play format with lunch to follow.  For those who wish to play in such matches invitations to play are put on the Seniors' noticeboard a few weeks before each match.  All seniors are welcome to join in these matches.

The Seniors' year culminates with the presentation dinner - held on a Friday evening in late October - at which seniors and wives get together for a convivial social evening during which trophies for the year are presented.

This is followed - usually the following Thursday at 4 pm - with the Seniors AGM at which the year is reviewed and elections are held for the committee for the next year.

During the winter the Seniors compete for the Eric Aston Trophy.   This takes place every Monday throughout the winter months with the best six scores contributing to each competitor's total.  There is a winter league pairs match play competition for which the initial stage takes the form of a set of mini-leagues with the league winners going through to the knock-out stages.

Also during the winter a number of Texas Scramble competitions are organized with the ladies section.

In addition to the organised competitions and matches "chuck-ins" abound.  There are opportunities for social golf most weekdays on a "just turn up and play" basis with drinks or lunch in the clubhouse to follow. See the chuck-ins list in the information drop-down menu (available on the members web site) for days and times.  Newcomers are always welcome - this is a great way to meet other members.



Group Lessons Open to Everyone (£5 per person)

Saturday 10-11am (Improvers)

Saturday 1-2pm (Beginners)

Sunday 9.30-10.30am (Beginners)

Sunday 10.30-11.30am (Improvers)

Friday 6.00-7.15pm Club night for members

To book into a class please call the professional shop on 01926 512732 or email

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